Research Areas


East Asian Peace


South China Sea














Dr. Stein Tønnesson is a Norwegian peace researcher and historian. His doctoral thesis, defended at the University of Oslo in 1991, was on the international history of the Vietnamese Revolution in 1945. His main areas of research are Vietnam, nation building in Southeast Asia, and the disputes in the South China Sea. In the years 2011-16 he leads a research program at the University of Uppsala on the 'East Asia Peace' since 1979. He is a frequent commentator in Norwegian and international media on issues of peace and conflict, and writes regularly for the Norwegian weekly Morgenbladet. He has also worked on energy security and has served as a consultant to several Norwegian companies. Since 2007, he serves on the board of Norfund, a state-owned development finance institution (DFI).


Telephone numbers: +47 22 54 77 31 (Oslo office)

+47 48 10 12 92 (cell) + 46 (0)18 4716 108 (Uppsala office)


Oslo address: PRIO, P.O. Box 9229 Grønland, N-0134 Oslo, Norway

Uppsala address: Dept of Peace and Conflict Research, Uppsala University, Box 514, SE 751 20 Uppsala, Sweden





3 Feb 2012: The Norwegian Journal of Anthropology launches a special issue in honour of Prof Thomas Hylland Eriksen on his 50 year birthday, with a contri-bution by Stein Tønnesson, entitled 'Historiske anfektel-ser' (Historical doubts), Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift 23 (1): 48-54.



May 2011: The International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS) awards its book prize in the Humanities 2011 to: Vietnam 1946: How the War Began, Berkeley: Univ of California Press, 2010. (Click here for extended set of footnotes)



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